
Often hear the word ‘start-up’? The term that is becoming familiar especially among millennials down below, is a foreign vocabulary that apparently has been downstream consistently at the worldwide level for at least the last decade. However, in Indonesia itself shows a five-fold increase in popularity trends in October 2020 (thanks to StartUp K-Drama).

Google Trend

Despite all the popularity, does the meaning of the concept of ‘start-up’ itself be understood easily? How to align our basic understanding of this term?


CR: rawpixal

Basically, in the UK English dictionary, ‘start-up’ can be interpreted as a start-up. While the definition of ‘start-up’ US version according to Steve Blank, one of silicon valley entrepreneurs, is a temporary organization designed to look for a business model that is able to survive and develop, to in the future transition into a company or ‘company’.

Over time, since the time of the popular ‘dot-com’ industry, the meaning of ‘start-up’ in the business world has also shifted meaning. Now people know ‘start-ups’ as a new business and apply technological innovation to solve a problem in society.

The character of the modern ‘start-up’ itself, can be described through the following 4 points:

To drive a ‘start-up’ it takes important factors and elements as the main motor in this business, among others as follows:

In the end, ‘start up’ not only refers to the concept of business, but also the basic mindset and behavior that can be formed and learned, to be able to produce products that can be perceived benefits.
So, are you ready to make your own?

Source: cohive, startups co UK

Why many programming languages??

Many factors cause a large number of programming languages, let’s divide into two main factors, internal and external.

Internal factors refer to the capabilities of each language, such as “Performance, Maintainability, Security, Available Libraries and Support”, etc.

External factors are the development of industry and technology. Until now there is still not one programming language that is universal for all needs so we have to choose between “Productivity, Generality and Performance”. That’s why when there are new technologies in the industry, there will be programming languages specific to those technologies. For example, the Python and R programming languages for Machine Learning and Data Analysis technologies.

Where to start??

To know where we started is to set a goal. If you want to be able to create Eye-Catching, interactive websites can be created from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Mobile Development, can be from Swift, Kotlin, or Java adapted to its OS, or even C# for Game Development.

Multiple technologies are converging to usher in the fourth industrial revolution. One aspect of this trend, industry 4.0, comes with the promise to improve discrete manufacturing by raising its efficiencies on multiple fronts.

While the benefits of industry 4.0 are vast, it relies on manufacturers to make it a reality and put it into action. This involves utilizing suitable technology to create smart factory setups. Studies have demonstrated that more than 70% of manufacturers believe that intelligent technologies such as the internet of things (IoT), big data analytics, machine learning, and augmented reality are an integral part of their future.

Figure 1:

According to McKinsey, industry 4.0 could bring a value of $3.7 trillion to manufacturers and suppliers in 2025, yet only 30 percent of companies are currently benefiting from industry 4.0 solutions at scale.

The companies that are already making the most of the initiative are adopting these technologies, adapting their working models, and introducing interconnected machines to simplify their operations in more beneficial ways. Around 79% of manufacturers identify increasing profitability and margins as their top priority, meaning it is reasonable to think that they are adopting smart systems, predominantly to push their growth boundaries.

This article examines the ways in which industry 4.0 can be utilized for growth in the discrete manufacturing industry.

According to McKinsey, industry 4.0 could bring a value of $3.7 trillion to manufacturers and suppliers in 2025, yet only 30 percent of companies are currently benefiting from industry 4.0 solutions at scale.

What are the frontiers for growth with industry 4.0?

The ingredients for growth

Use cases that could drive growth

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The Indian network of Technology Centers has been established for several decades, and service a range of industries, from specialist agri-processing, low-tech manufacturing (e.g. leather goods and footwear) through to automotive and high-tech aerospace engineering. They provide a mix of services, including mass short term training and more specialized longer term multi-year technical training, industrial services like processing or tool and die making, innovation services (e.g. design, incubation, intellectual property advice, incubation for entrepreneurs), testing and conformance, and some produce components for industry clients.

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